Slots Instruction

Posted : admin On 3/19/2022

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This section contains reference information for the pixel shader version 3_0 instructions.

Slot Machine Repair Manual

There are several types of pixel shader instructions, as shown in the table. Columns to the right mean the following:

  • Instruction slots - Number of instruction slots used by each instruction.
  • Setup - A pixel shader must have a version instruction and it must be the first instruction.
  • Arithmetic - These instructions provide the mathematical operations in a shader.
  • Texture - These instructions are used to load and sample texture data, and to modify texture coordinates.
  • Flow control - These instructions provide static and dynamic flow control to the execution of instructions.
  • New - These instructions are new to this version.

Instruction Set

NameDescriptionInstruction slotsSetupArithmeticTextureFlow controlNew
abs - psAbsolute value1x
add - psAdd two vectors1x
break - psBreak out of a loop...endloop or rep...endrep block1x
break_comp - psConditionally break out of a loop...endloop or rep...endrep block, with a comparison3x
breakp - psbreak out of a loop...endloop or rep...endrep block, based on a predicate3x
call - psCall a subroutine2x
callnz bool - psCall a subroutine if a boolean register is not zero3x
callnz pred - psCall a subroutine if a predicate register is not zero3x
cmp - psCompare source to 01x
crs - psCross product2x
dcl_samplerType (sm2, sm3 - ps asm)Declare the texture dimension for a sampler0x
dcl_semantics (sm3 - ps asm)Declare input and output registers0xx
def - psDefine constants0x
defb - psDefine a Boolean constant0x
defi - psDefine an integer constant0x
dp2add - ps2D dot product and add2x
dp3 - ps3D dot product1x
dp4 - ps4D dot product1x
dsx - psRate of change in the x-direction2x
dsy - psRate of change in the y direction2x
else - psBegin an else block1x
endif - psEnd an if...else block1x
endloop - psEnd a loop2xx
endrep - psEnd of a repeat block2x
exp - psFull precision 2x1x
frc - psFractional component1x
if bool - psBegin an if block3x
if_comp - psBegin an if block with a comparison3x
if pred - psBegin an if block with predication3x
label - psLabel0x
log - psFull precision log₂(x)1x
loop - psLoop3xx
lrp - psLinear interpolate2x
m3x2 - ps3x2 multiply2x
m3x3 - ps3x3 multiply3x
m3x4 - ps3x4 multiply4x
m4x3 - ps4x3 multiply3x
m4x4 - ps4x4 multiply4x
mad - psMultiply and add1x
max - psMaximum1x
min - psMinimum1x
mov - psMove1x
mul - psMultiply1x
nop - psNo operation1x
nrm - psNormalize3x
pow - psxy3x
rcp - psReciprocal1x
rep - psRepeat3x
ret - psEnd of a subroutine1x
rsq - psReciprocal square root1x
setp_compSet the predicate register1x
sincos - psSine and cosine8x
sub - psSubtract1x
texkill - psKill pixel render2x
texld - ps_2_0 and upSample a textureSee note 1x
texldb - psTexture sampling with level-of-detail bias from w-component6x
texldl - psTexture sampling with level-of-detail from w-componentSee note 2xx
texldd - psTexture sampling with user-provided gradients3x
texldp - psTexture sampling with projective divide by w-componentSee note 3x


  1. If the texture is a cube map, slots = 4; otherwise slots = 1.
  2. If the texture is a cube map, slots = 5; otherwise slots = 2.
  3. If the texture is a cube map, slots = 4; otherwise slots = 3.

Slots Instruction


Japanese Slot Machine Manual

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